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Bandwidth Global operates as
a comprehensive on-demand
remote staffing firm,

connecting businesses globally with top-notch, vetted, and well-trained African staff through the use

of AI technology. Our headquarters are located in Ghana, with staff hubs scattered throughout

Africa. Additionally, we have an overseas office situated in Dallas, Texas, within the United States.

Bandwidth Global operates as a comprehensive on-demand remote staffing firm,

connecting businesses globally with top-notch, vetted, and well-trained African staff through the use of AI technology. Our headquarters are located in Ghana, with staff hubs scattered throughout Africa. Additionally, we have an overseas office situated in Dallas, Texas, within the United States.

Carl Koranteng
Ed Cyprian

Meet our founders, Carl Koranteng and Ed Cyprian. Carl studied biology at Drake University, while Ed graduated from the University of Texas in software engineering. Their journey began in the United States, where they forged a strong partnership.

Carl's other entrepreneurial ventures included Elite Nurses & Aides and Snow White Group LLC in Virginia. He later established Beyond Accra, a luxury concierge tour provider. By integrating local talent into his operations, Carl fostered a productive synergy between his American and Ghanaian teams and clients.

Meanwhile, Ed gained valuable experience leading software engineering projects and consulting for institutions such as Capital One Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, PSCU, GSK, Apple, SABRE Holdings, Viatech Publishing, and Loan Depot. He also spent a year working with remote developers in India.

Carl's ventures showcased the importance of trust in engaging human resources on behalf of clients as well as the effectiveness of African talent in US-based operations, while Ed's consultancy work provided invaluable insights into remote work dynamics and reinforced his confidence in African professionals.

Driven by a shared vision, Carl and Ed launched their remote staffing venture in 2022. They introduced AI tools to streamline resource-client matching, revolutionizing efficiency.

Bandwidth PA would evolve into Bandwidth Global, as the reach of the business expanded - driven by positive feedback from satisfied clients and fueled by referrals. Today, it is a testament to their dedication to excellence and innovation, reshaping the remote staffing landscape.


Our goal is to establish ourselves as the premier provider of remote staffing services in Africa,

connecting top-tier, rigorously screened, and professionally trained remote

professionals from Africa with clients worldwide.

connecting top-tier, rigorously screened, and professionally trained remote professionals from Africa with clients worldwide.


By 2034, our goal is to connect
one million highly skilled African
professionals with leading
companies worldwide, spanning
various sectors.

By 2034, our goal is to connect one million highly skilled African professionals with leading companies worldwide, spanning various sectors.

Remote hires working together
Office at bandwidth global

Strength that speaks for itself


Excellence defined the BGway - an institutional character and behaviour driving us to go the extra mile and breaking boundaries to deliver top of the line results for our clients.


we understand our role within a larger framework. Through open communication, acknowledging our missteps, and delving deep into self-awareness, we strive to deliver our utmost potential.


We take charge of showcasing our skills and determining the methods by which they are exhibited. Empowering ourselves to prioritize tasks and take ownership of our actions.


Fuelled by a profound passion for our work, we are deeply committed to living out the core mission of BG. This fervor propels us to continually strive for excellence, pushing boundaries and seeking constant improvement.


We view challenges as opportunities; we adapt swiftly and effectively to evolving circumstances. We navigate transitions with resilience and adaptability.


We actively seek innovative solutions to optimize outcomes, recognizing that growth stems from perpetual learning and exploration.


We operate with integrity;we prioritize honesty, direct communication, and constructive feedback.


While embracing informality, we approach interactions with unwavering respect, recognizing the importance of context in all engagements.

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